Appliances suffer from misuse and lack of maintenance. Don’t be that homeowner! Here are 5 things you can do to get the most out of your appliances. ⬇️⁣
▫️ Don’t overload your washer and dryer - You may think you’re saving time, water or energy by putting more into one load but overloading causes damage to motors and important parts.
▫️ Clean the dryer lint filter & dryer vent - A clogged lint filter means clothes dry slower while the machine works harder. Clean the lint filter between each load to avoid build-up. Also, dirty + clogged dryer vents and ductwork can reduce performance and be a fire hazard. Don’t forget to frequently clean this important area too!

▫️ Wipe refrigerator gaskets - Keeping your door gaskets clean will help them seal properly and last longer. Don’t let sticky foods build up on the door gasket, so be sure to wipe them frequently with warm water and a sponge. Plus, if your gasket doesn’t seal properly, the fridge will run longer and boost your electric bill.⁣

▫️ Clean the refrigerator coils - Dust buildup on the coils underneath or on the back of your fridge reduces airflow and wastes energy. Be sure to vacuum there every couple of months!⁣

▫️ Avoid blocking air vents - Freezers and refrigerators need proper airflow inside to keep foods at the right temperature. Blocking vents can cause cooling problems and force the fridge to run overtime. Avoid jam-packing with food and containers!⁣

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